Monday, 29 August 2016

The unmentioned might of a woman

Powerful Black Women This article was written by a man who appreciates woman.

This article portrays that we still live in a patriarchal society, where men are still seen as more powerful and mighty than women. The writer does appreciate women but he also belittles their abilities. He believes that we can stand on our own but he believes that we don't have the stability or strength to do so. He sees women as backbones of men. Simply meaning that we women serve right as a silent partner to men, we give them stable homes, confidence, might and advice while we stay at our corners and watch them conquer the world.

He also says that women are like thorns and pests that infuriate their inner beings, by asking questions and starting meaningless conversations, meaning that we are troublesome and sometimes don't know what we are saying. He portrays that the only power we have over men is being able to express our emotions while they can't. In the second last paragraph clearly states that us being women just shows the superiority we have over men and that we should be celebrated everyday, not just in our month.

I disagree with the writer's portrayal f men. Men are not always superior than women. There are women who are doing very well without any men to hide behind. The writer believes that the world is ruled by men, but he forgets that we live  in a new era whereby everything is equal and even so, women are doing a lot better than most men. Another fact is that men have pillars of strength behind their well-functioning lives, which are women, while women can stand on their own. In conclusion, we need each other(men and women) to succeed. no one is superior than the other.

The writer's style of writing was effective because he was able to evoke emotions. He made women feel belittled ad made them believe that they are nothing without men, while he made men feel a sense of superiority and power over women.'s-Day

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